Due Process Hearings/Settlements through the Office of Dispute Resolution often involve extensive litigation, mediation, or settlement under the Individuals with Disability Education Act . These lawsuits are hard fought and won matters, often indicating a deficit in special education services and programming for children. Listed below are mentioned 12 African American students, 3 more on page 7, who took issue with the LMSD and prevailed on some or all claims. Their names are initialed for their protection.
J. W. - Prevailing party, compensatory education awarded. LMSD appealed, federal court decided in students’ favor to enforce hearing officer’s decision.
B. D. - Prevailing party, in part.
S. L.- Case appealed by District, on-going.
C. H.- Prevailing Party, compensatory education award. Student taking remedial college courses, LMSD paid
A. B.- Prevailing Party, compensatory education award. College graduate and employed with recent promotion.
G. J. - Prevailing Party, compensatory education award.
A. L - Case Settled with compensatory education award. Student enrolled in rigorous remedial tutoring.
M. J.- Case Settled, student placed at private school, LMSD paid
K. R. - Prevailing Party, compensatory education award
K. J. - Prevailing Party, Parents selected out-of-state placement, LMSD paid.
Q. G. - Prevailing Party, awarded compensatory education. Attending college.
S. M. - Prevailing party, by settlement